网站公告: 厂家直销:水性防锈剂,钢筋除锈剂,水性乳化液,聚醚消泡剂,水性切削液,抑尘剂,泡沫抑尘剂,无铬钝化剂,缓蚀剂,高温水性防锈剂,煤矿泡沫抑尘剂,煤矿抑尘剂,港口抑尘剂



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什么是水性防锈剂 What is water-based rust preventative?

文章来源:haiyi66    时间:2021-12-22

什么是水性防锈剂 What is water-based rust preventative?


Dry Coat is a water-based rust prevention liquid designed to protect metal from rust and corrosion. Dry Coat offers "Invisible Protection, Visible Results." Once applied, it will dry-to-touch within 30 minutes (in low humidity) and form a clear protective coating that protects metal from rust for up to one year of indoor storage.

"Wash your hands" of those hazardous and messy solvents and oil-based rust preventatives. Dry Coat will not leave sticky or tacky residue or attract dirt or dust on metal parts. Prevent rust with Dry Coat via spray or dip. If you want to remove it, mild detergents, solvent-based cleaners or common metal cleaning solutions will do the trick.


Dry Coat, like the entire line of B’laster Metal Rescue products, is designed to take the "work" out of your workshop.


  • 透明干爽,安全,使用简便 Clean, safe and easy
  • 水溶性产品,可以喷涂 Water-based rust prevention spray
  • 室内存储的条件下,防锈期长达一年 Protects ferrous metal from rust for one year of indoor storage
  • 无毒无害,环保安全 Non-hazardous and environmentally friendly
  • 使用简便,喷涂或者浸泡均可 Easy to apply via spray or dip
  • 不吸收灰尘,表面干爽,容易清洗 No mess, no fuss–no sticky, hazardous liquids to clean up
  • 表面干爽,不沾染灰尘 Dries to the touch; metal is kept clean and free from dirt/dust
  • 不影响后续的工艺 Does not interfere with advanced processing–stamping, grinding or welding
  • 容易清除 Removes easily, if needed, with mild detergent or cleaner
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